Solidarity to striking workers
We have written, along with the Greener Jobs Alliance and the Climate Justice Coalition, to key public service unions striking for decent pay and conditions to express our solidarity. Many CACCTU supporters will have already expressed solidarity to local union branches in a similar way, if not, we encourage you to do.
For more about encouraging climate activists to support the strikes, see here
Below is our letter, in a general form which can be adapted for particular disputes.
As trade unionists and activists campaigning on the climate crisis, the organisations represented in this letter wish to express our unequivocal solidarity with your dispute. We stand with you in your fight against the cost of living crisis and against threats of further austerity policies which would bring even worse suffering.
As fossil fuel dependency pushes up the cost of living, the same oil and gas giants which are making multi-billions in excess profits at the expense of ordinary households are also driving climate breakdown, an irreversible catastrophe from which the poorest suffer and the richest profit.
In the media, public sector strikes are often presented as being solely about pay. In fact they are broader than that, and are a fight against cuts damaging public services which provide the essential social infrastructure of this country.
We stand squarely with you in your struggle and through solidarity we will achieve victory.
We hope to continue to build closer links between the industrial struggle and the fight against climate breakdown – they are, in a very real sense, the same fight.
With all solidarity and best wishes.