
Report from Fracking Solidarity Day

From Reclaim the Power's "Rolling Resistance Weekly Round-Up: Week 2" (link here):

"A mass demo for climate, jobs, renewables and divestment! The day started with a two car lock on, which kept the gates shut until the crowds arrived. An estimated 200 people came down to the roadside today – many for the first time.  We celebrated the resistance so far and heard from a range of speakers about the solutions we need to see and the wider politics of climate justice, and economic and social justice – of which the anti-fracking movement is part."

"Many trade unions were represented including PCS, Unite, Unison, the NUT and UCU and their speakers emphasised how the Trade Unions would keep supporting the fight against fracking. Strength in numbers meant our mere presence shut Cuadrilla’s site down for the day. It felt like a carnival, with singing, delicious food and even some disco yoga and this very positive and powerful day ended with people linking arms in front of the gate."

UNISON unanimously votes for divestment of pension funds


The trade union UNISON has unanimously voted to pass a motion to divest council pension funds from oil, coal and gas. UNISON is one of the two biggest trade union groups in the UK, with over 1.3 million members, and is also the primary representative for local government workers, whose pension funds are collectively worth over £200 billion.

Ken Montague

We are deeply saddened at the death of our friend and great climate campaigner and socialist, Ken Montague, who passed away last Friday. 

Below are tributes from Suzanne Jeffery and Jonathan Neale.

Ken was secretary of the Campaign against Climate Change trade union group and a member of CACC steering group for many years. During that time Ken played an invaluable role in developing the work of the trade union group and especially the One Million Climate jobs report and campaign. 

Ken's work was unseen and often unsung but without it much of what the CACC trade union group have done in the last few years would not have happened. Ken's work allowed the trade union group to campaign increasingly effectively within the wider trade union movement, to develop a deeper understanding of the climate crisis, its relevance to the struggle of working people and to counter the false narrative that jobs and the environment are mutually exclusive. 
