
20th September climate strike: all out in solidarity with the school students

Guest post by Sean Vernell, University and College Union National Executive Committee

Greta Thunberg has called for the next global school student strike on the 20th September. This strike will kick off a week of climate action which finishes on the 27th September. It looks set to be one of the biggest days of action for climate justice yet. According to the Financial Times the employers too are feeling the pressure to move to support the global school student strike on the 20th September.

The UCU NEC has voted unanimously to send a motion to this year's TUC congress demanding that the TUC organise a 30-minute solidarity strike with the school students on the 20th September.

We have launched an online petition calling upon trade union leaders, workers, students and climate activists from across the movement to get behind the call to support the motion calling for a 30-minute stoppage. Whilst some may, understandably, feel that this is not enough, if passed it would potentially give millions of workers a little more confidence to take action on the day to support the school students.

National Education Union votes in solidarity with climate strike students

The NEU teaching union has voted to stand in "full solidarity" with those who have been taking part in global protests, and called for a Just Transition.
Full text of motion with amendments included below.
Conference recognises that the latest UN climate report shows that: 
1. Without more rapid action, there will be at least a 3 degrees temperature rise by 2100; 
2. 1 degree rise above pre-industrial levels has already led to increasing fires, hurricanes, floods and droughts; 
3. The transition to a zero-carbon society to keep below a 1.5 degree increase is the most urgent problem facing humanity and is technically feasible; and 
4. The obstacles are entirely political. 
